Tag Archives: spesifikasi ASTM A36

Pelat A36| SS400 | S275JR | ST37 | Q235B Mild Steel

Pelat Mild Steel


  • US:  ASTM A36
  • Jerman:  ST37-2 DIN 17100
  • JEPANG:  SS400 JIS G3101
  • British:  BS 4360 Grade 43A
  • Eropa:  S275JR EN 10025-2
  • China:  Q235 Grade B
  • Australian/ New Zealand: AS3678 Grade 250

Karakteristik Mild Steel

Pelat mild steel A36, yang juga dikenal sebagai SS400 JIS 3101, di ASME Kode Bagian II-A spesifikasi JIS dari pelat baja untuk konstruksi umum termasuk dalam kategori SA-36. Di JIS (Standar Industri Jepang) “SS” singkatan dari baja struktural (structural steel) dan grade 400 yang mirip dengan AISI 1018. Plat kapal mild steel A-36 adalah salah satu baja canai panas struktural yang paling umum digunakan. Tipikal material baja karbon khas, harganya relatif murah, sangat bagus di las dan di machining dan material baja SS400 dapat mengalami berbagai perlakuan panas.
Baja SS400 pelat umumnya disebut dengan plat mild steel (MS). Untuk plat ukuran 5 x 20kaki (feet) sering juga disebut dengan pelat kapal, karena banyak digunakan untuk industri perkapalan

Ketersediaan (Availability)

  • Plate
  • Thickness: 1.2 mm – 100 mm
  • Size: Width x Length
  • 4′ x 8′ (1219 x 2438mm)
  • 5′ x 20′ (1524 x 6096mm)
  • 6′ x 20′ (1828 x 6096mm)
  • Flat bar
  • Thk.3mm – 19mm Length = 6M

Chemical Composition Plat Mild Steel

Grade C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Cu Nb/N V/ Mo
A36 0.1443 0.197 1.067 0.0160 0.0024 0.20 0.005 0.006 0.002 0.004
SS400 0.1986 0.149 0.298 0.0127 0.0045
ST37-2 0.17-0.20 0.05 Max 1.4 0.05 Max 0.05 Max 0.55 /0.009 Max
BS4360 0.25-0.30 0.5-0.55 0.5-0.6 0.5-0.6 /1.5-1.6
S275JR 0.21 Max 0.05 Max 1.50 Max 0.035 Max 0.035 Max 0.55 Max /0.012 Max
Q235B 0.12-0.20 0.30 Max 0.30-0.70 0.045 Max 0.045 Max


  • SS400 Certficate Krakatau Posco No: 170517-FPQ8IN-0010A1-0001
  • A36 Certficate Krakatau Posco No: 171017-FPQ8IN-0030A1-0023

Mechanical Properties Plat Mild Steel

Properties SS400 A36 ST37 S275JR
Tensile Strength (MPa) 400 – 510 400 – 552 627 380 – 540
Yield Strength (MPa) 205-245 281 – 301 294 275
Elongation (%) 27 – 30 31 12 23
Young’s Modulus (GPa) 190-210 200 210 210
Poisson’s Ratio 0.26 0.32 0.32 0.3
Density (kg/m3) 7860 7800 7850 7800
Hardness,Brinell (HB) 160 119 – 159 141 121 – 163


  • SS400 Certficate Krakatau Posco No: 170517-FPQ8IN-0010A1-0001
  • A36 Certficate Krakatau Posco No: 171017-FPQ8IN-0030A1-0023

Tabel Ukuran dan Berat Plat Mild Steel

Product Tebal (mm) PxL (feet) Berat (Kg)
Mild steel 4mm 4 4×8 = 93.32
Mild steel 4.5mm 4.5 4×8 = 105
Mild steel 4.8mm 4.8 4×8 = 112
Mild steel 5mm 5 4×8 = 117
Mild steel 5.8mm 5.8 4×8 = 135.32
Mild steel 6mm 6 4×8 = 140
Mild steel 8mm 8 4×8 = 187
Mild steel 9mm 9 4×8 = 210
Mild steel 10mm 10 4×8 = 233.3
Mild steel 11mm 11 4×8 = 256.62
Mild steel 12mm 12 4×8 = 280
Mild steel 13mm 13 4×8 = 303.3
Mild steel 14mm 14 4×8 = 326.62
Mild steel 15mm 15 4×8 = 350
Mild steel 16mm 16 4×8 = 373
Mild steel 18mm 18 4×8 = 420
Mild steel 19mm 19 4×8 = 443.3
Mild steel 20mm 20 4×8 = 467
Mild steel 21mm 21 4×8 = 490
Mild steel 22mm 22 4×8 = 513.3
Mild steel 24mm 24 4×8 = 560
Mild steel 25mm 25 4×8 = 583.3
Mild steel 28mm 28 4×8 = 653.24
Mild steel 30mm 30 4×8 = 700
Mild steel 31mm 31 4×8 = 723.3
Mild steel 32mm 32 4×8 = 747
Mild steel 38mm 38 4×8 = 887
Mild steel 40mm 40 4×8 = 933.2
Mild steel 42mm 42 4×8 = 980
Mild steel 45mm 45 4×8 = 1050
Mild steel 50mm 50 4×8 = 1167
Mild steel 65mm 65 4×8 = 1516.5
Mild steel 75mm 75 4×8 = 1750
Mild steel 80mm 80 4×8 = 1870
Mild steel 85mm 85 4×8 = 1983.1
Mild steel 90mm 90 4×8 = 2100
Mild steel 100mm 100 4×8 = 2333

Tabel Ukuran dan Berat Plat Kapal

Product Tebal (mm) PxL (feet) Berat (Kg)
Plat kapal 4.5mm 4.50 5” x 20″ 328
Plat kapal 6mm 6.00 5” x 20″ 438
Plat kapal 8mm 8.00 5” x 20″ 583
Plat kapal 9mm 9.00 5” x 20″ 656
Plat kapal 10mm 10.00 5” x 20″ 729
Plat kapal 12mm 12.00 5” x 20″ 876
Plat kapal 22mm 22.00 5” x 20″ 1604
Plat kapal 16mm 16.00 5” x 20″ 1167
Plat kapal 19mm 19.00 5” x 20″ 1386
Plat kapal 25mm 25.00 5” x 20″ 1822
Product Thk (mm) Sheet Size Weight (Kg)
Marine Plate 4.5mm 4.50 6” x 20″ 394
Marine Plate 6mm 6.00 6” x 20″ 525
Marine Plate 8mm 8.00 6” x 20″ 700
Marine Plate 9mm 9.00 6” x 20″ 788
Marine Plate 10mm 10.00 6” x 20″ 875
Marine Plate 12mm 12.00 6” x 20″ 1050
Marine Plate 22mm 22.00 6” x 20″ 1400
Marine Plate 16mm 16.00 6” x 20″ 1664
Marine Plate 19mm 19.00 6” x 20″ 1926
Marine Plate 25mm 25.00 6” x 20″ 2188

Tabel Ukuran dan Berat Plat Strip (Flat Bar)

Product PxL (mm) Berat (Kg)
Flat Bar 3 mm 16 x 6.000 2,3
Flat Bar 3 mm 19 x 6.000 2,7
Flat Bar 3 mm 25 x 6.000 3,5
Flat Bar 3 mm 30 x 6.000 4,5
Flat Bar 4 mm 19 x 6.000 3,6
Flat Bar 4 mm 25 x 6.000 4,7
Flat Bar 4 mm 30 x 6.000 5,6
Flat Bar 4 mm 32 x 6.000 6,0
Flat Bar 4 mm 38 x 6.000 7,1
Flat Bar 4 mm 50 x 6.000 9,4
Flat Bar 4.5 mm 19 x 6.000 4,0
Flat Bar 4.5 mm 25 x 6.000 5,3
Flat Bar 4.5 mm 32 x 6.000 6,9
Flat Bar 4.5 mm 38 x 6.000 8,1
Flat Bar 4.5 mm 50 x 6.000 10,5
Flat Bar 5 mm 19 x 6.000 4,5
Flat Bar 5 mm 25 x 6.000 5,9
Flat Bar 5 mm 30 x 6.000 7,0
Flat Bar 5 mm 32 x 6.000 7,5
Flat Bar 5 mm 38 x 6.000 9,0
Flat Bar 5 mm 50 x 6.000 11,8
Flat Bar 6 mm 19 x 6.000 5,4
Flat Bar 6 mm 25 x 6.000 7,1
Flat Bar 6 mm 32 x 6.000 9,1
Flat Bar 6 mm 38 x 6.000 10,8
Flat Bar 6 mm 50 x 6.000 14,1
Flat Bar 6 mm 65 x 6.000 18,5
Flat Bar 6 mm 75 x 6.000 22,0
Flat Bar 6 mm 100 x 6.000 28,5
Flat Bar 6 mm 150 x 6.000 44,5
Flat Bar 8 mm 38 x 6.000 14,3
Flat Bar 8 mm 50 x 6.000 18,8
Flat Bar 8 mm 65 x 6.000 24,5
Flat Bar 8 mm 75 x 6.000 28,3
Flat Bar 8 mm 100 x 6.000 37,7
Flat Bar 9 mm 25 x 6.000 10,6
Flat Bar 9 mm 32 x 6.000 14,0
Flat Bar 9 mm 38 x 6.000 16,2
Flat Bar 9 mm 50 x 6.000 21,5
Flat Bar 9 mm 65 x 6.000 27,5
Flat Bar 9 mm 75 x 6.000 32,0
Flat Bar 9 mm 100 x 6.000 42,5
Flat Bar 9 mm 150 x 6.000 64,0
Flat Bar 12 mm 25 x 6.000 14,2
Flat Bar 12 mm 38 x 6.000 21,5
Flat Bar 12 mm 50 x 6.000 28,5
Flat Bar 12 mm 65 x 6.000 37,0
Flat Bar 12 mm 75 x 6.000 42,5
Flat Bar 12 mm 100 x 6.000 56,5
Flat Bar 12 mm 150 x 6.000 85,0
Flat Bar 16 mm 38 x 6.000 29,0
Flat Bar 16 mm 50 x 6.000 38,0
Flat Bar 16 mm 100 x 6.000 76,0
Flat Bar 16 mm 150 x 6.000 113,0
Flat Bar 19 mm 38 x 6.000 34,0
Flat Bar 19 mm 50 x 6.000 45,0
Flat Bar 19 mm 65 x 6.000 58,5
Flat Bar 19 mm 75 x 6.000 67,5
Flat Bar 19 mm 100 x 6.000 89,5
Flat Bar 19 mm 125 x 6.000 112,0
Flat Bar 19 mm 150 x 6.000 134,0

Melting Point
Melting point of SS400 is 1430 Degree Celsius

Easy to Weld, Cut, Form and Machine

Plat kapal, jembatan, Base plates, gussets, liners, road plates, trench covers, dll.


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